Linda K. Dixon Speaks at Freedom Requires Action Summit

_FRA Banner 2023 (1)Be part of the solution for policy change by joining us in Washington D.C for the Freedom Requires Action Summit.

Safe House Project is honored to host the 2nd “Freedom Requires Action” event at the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. on January 23rd. This 2-hour event brings together policymakers, corporate executives, survivors leaders, and community advocates to highlight the multidisciplinary strategy that is being used to combat trafficking in the United States, and galvanize communities in the next frontier in the fight against trafficking.


Click here for tickets and more information. 


Panel Topic: Identification and Survivor Support
Panelist: Linda K. Dixon

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Linda K. Dixon is the Program Manager for the Department of Defense Combating Trafficking
in Persons Program Management Office (CTIP PMO). As the CTIP Program Manager, Linda K. Dixon takes measures to implement the Department of Defense's program to combat trafficking in persons (CTIP) through management and oversight. She leads the development of CTIP policy and training modules that are based on realistic, military-related trafficking in persons (TIP) scenarios. The latest project completed is the DoD CTIP Student Guide to Preventing Human Trafficking for military connected students. She guides efforts and works with the Defense Acquisition and Sustainment office to develop a resource for the contracting community to prevent labor trafficking in defense contracts. Ms. Dixon chairs the multidisciplinary task force that meets quarterly to improve the DoD CTIP program and to resolve issues and violations of trafficking in persons laws and regulations. Currently Ms. Dixon is working with survivors of human trafficking. The CTIP PMO developed the Survivor Voices of Human Trafficking webpage on the CTIP website to provide a platform for survivors of sex trafficking, forced labor, and child soldiering to tell their stories in a written narrative and recorded video and raise awareness for DoD personnel.



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