He is worthy of every praise. Every praise in the midst of it all. When the mountains are crumbling, and my heart is hurting, and the tears are falling I’ll give Him every praise. In the midst of it all when the mountains have crumbled from the mountain tops, I’ll give you every praise. My God I know you can move mountains you’ll break every chain, you’ll silent every voice that tells me I’m not worthy. You’ll have every battle because I surrender.
Startled awake. I look at the clock, it is 2AM, and God is stirring. He is telling me to start praying.
Pray for the lost, the broken, the hurt, the ones who are trapped in a mindset that tells them that they are not worthy.
Pray for those who are still trapped in the life.
Pray for someone who feels the need to sell and abuse someone else.
Pray for someone who’s trapped in their own mind.
Pray for those who have lost someone to trafficking.
Pray for someone who’s battling with the thought that their life should end cause it hurts too much.
Pray for the one who wants to run back to their trafficker because it is all they know.
Pray for those who will not allow themselves to feel true love because it is an unknown.
Pray for the next generation to be spared.
Pray for those who are walking alongside survivors, like me, in their healing journey.
Pray for the volunteers who see us as worthy of their time, who take time out of their lives to make life better for us.
Pray for those who have already found freedom, and thank God for their journey to beautiful, better things.
I thank God for my freedom, so I can step into a new season of hope, love, and fighting against this injustice.
Will you pray with me?