Uniting to End Trafficking Blog

David Zach | Remedy Drive

Written by Safe House Project | Feb 2, 2020 5:00:00 AM

David Zach is the lead singer and songwriter for the rock band Remedy Drive as well as an advocate in the fight against human trafficking.  The band has recorded two concept albums to shine a light on slavery and to celebrate the modern day abolition.

The words of David Zach at this year's Freedom Requires Action event at the United States Capitol on January 28th, 2020.

“I loved waking up in Washington DC this morning. A city at the center of many grave atrocities throughout history - but continually progressing because of brave women and men - the moral arch of the universe, as Dr. King said, is long but it bends towards justice. This district of Columbia - reminds me of Columbus in the year 1500 according to his own journal, boasting of how much money could be made off of selling a nine year old girl into sexual slavery.

But last night I slept a couple blocks from Frederick Douglass bridge. He was the most photographed person of his day. He never smiled. He used the camera lens and the press - The North Star newspaper to create a culture that fought back against slave owner culture. His version of Instagram and twitter - the new media of his day.

In my world it’s lyric, that’s part of how I make culture. A lot of songs out there with lyric that demeans and objectifies women - I’m trying to create a different culture with my songs.

And there’s culture making here - in Washington DC.

When someone in a powerful position attacks a woman publicly and bullies her - using words that objectify her, commodify her, sexualize her - this is a certain kind of culture that’s being curated.

These dehumanizing verbal assaults - just like some songs on the radio - they carry a crushing weight of power not only for the direct recipients of such words but also for all our daughters. Words matter. Social media posts matter. Lyric matters.

It hurts my heart to see this culture normalized and defended or ignored by good people. I want to see it dismantled - it’s not a necessary evil. I want to see brave women and men stand up on the world stage to champion - instead - a culture where women are regarded, valued and esteemed - a culture where women are believed - we need that culture to start at the top so that our daughters - if exposed to trafficking - know that there is someone who will believe their story.

At the pulpit of your digital congregation - you are creating culture with every post - every share - every tweet.”