Uniting to End Trafficking Blog

Dear Survivor: You are Enough

Written by Hope Doe | Jul 24, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Dear Survivor,

You are enough.

If you want to become a survivor leader, you are enough. You do not need those credentials. You do not need to be noticed by a specific organization. You do not need to be endorsed by a specific other survivor leader. Your experience, your life story, your drive to become a leader, you are enough.

If you want to go back to school, you are enough. Get that GED. Apply to that college. Call someone to help you fill out that FAFSA ('cause trust me, you wouldn't be the only one who struggled to full it out.) Tour colleges. Apply to that trade school. You're seeking to further yourself and for that, you are incredible. You are enough.

As you love on your friends, your babies, your significant other, you are enough. The love in your heart is enough. The time and attention you give is enough. You are good, and you are enough.

As you pour your everything into your work, as you have hard days where you aren't as productive as usual, as you work hours upon hours and feel like you still have a mountain of work to climb, you are enough. Your contribution to your work place is important. You are doing a good job. You are enough.

Even on the bad days, you are enough.

When it feels like it's always something, you are enough.

When you are ugly crying at 3am, you are enough.

When you are ugly crying at 2pm after a staff meeting, you are enough.

When you're striving to do your best, you are enough.

When you're bringing your expertise to the table, you are enough.

When you're chasing your dreams, you are enough.

If no one has told you today, you are enough.

If someone has already told you today, you are enough.

I believe in you. I am proud of you. You are enough.

You are enough.

You are enough.

You are enough.


A survivor who never feels like she is enough.