General Health
50% of human trafficking survivors have contact with medical professionals
12% of states have human trafficking training available but optional for healthcare workers
3% of emergency departments report receiving trafficking training
68% of trafficking victims seen by medical professionals are seen in an emergency department
8% of states mandate human trafficking training for some healthcare professionals
10% of states mandate human trafficking training for all healthcare workers
72% of states have no state-regulated human trafficking trainings for healthcare workers
A growing body of research indicates that healthcare workers feel ill-equipped to spot the signs of trafficking in patients and intervene effectively.
90% of minor human trafficking victims have contact with medical professionals
Mental Health
75% of survivors report having flashbacks
62% of survivors have PTSD
42% of trafficking victims attempt suicide during their trafficking
36.2% of trafficking victims report developing eating disorders
21% of trafficking survivors attempt suicide following their trafficking
Physical Health
35.2% experienced malnutrition
70% of survivors report physical injuries from their trafficking
67.9% of survivors experienced some type of cardiovascular or respiratory difficulty during the course of their trafficking
50%+ of survivors reported injuries to the face or head
46.7% experienced loss of appetite
42.9% reported severe weight loss
Sexual Health
50% more likely to acquire HIV
62.5% of survivors reporting using birth control during their trafficking went to the doctor alone to get the prescription
80.9% of trafficking victims report being on birth control during their trafficking
79% increase in risk of endometriosis for women who were severely sexually abused
71.2% of trafficking victims report becoming pregnant during their trafficking
67.3% contract STDs/STIs