Uniting to End Trafficking Blog

Hope. Freedom. Future.

Written by Emily Benson | Jan 15, 2021 5:00:00 AM

"In these days of difficulty, we Americans everywhere must and shall choose the path of social justice, the path of faith, the path of hope, and the path of love toward our fellow man." - President FDR

We kicked off 2020 with our "Freedom Requires Action" event where we cast a vision to see child trafficking eradicated in the United States by 2030 by igniting a fire in every American to rally around the common belief that everyone has dignity, value, and worth.

After a strong start, we all were hit by the harsh reality of COVID-19. Like everyone, 2020 has changed each of us, but for our team it drove us to fight even more relentlessly for survivors. We knew trafficking would not rest during the pandemic and that we had to find in innovative ways to serve survivors and generate impact in the fight against trafficking.

With shelter-in-place orders going into effect across America, we quickly saw an increase of children being trafficked by family members, as well as adult survivors trapped in unsafe situations. Our team knew it was essential to continue training communities to spot trafficking and protect the vulnerable, as well as respond to the emergency needs of survivors being identified.

To expand our educational reach, we formalized a partnership with the Malouf Foundation and worked with a team of survivors to launch OnWatch. OnWatch is the nation's first survivor-written training platform that equips community members with signs and indicators of trafficking. Through OnWatch, schools, places of worship, individuals, and businesses are rising up to spot, report, and prevent trafficking!

However, those who know our work know that we are committed to packing a one-two punch to trafficking by increasing survivor identification through education AND providing a safe place for every survivor to receive treatment from the trauma they have endured.

Thanks to your support, in 2020, we helped fund 90 NEW opportunities for survivors through new or expanding safe house partners and we deployed more than 2,000 mentorship hours to raise up the next phase of safe house programs in America.

2020 was hard for all, but the survivors are the greatest fighters we know and it is in their honor that we will continue to push forward in 2021. We will not rest until all are free.

Kristi Wells

Co-Founder & CEO