Safe House Project has a ready made activity for you to make the most of your quality time with your families and create a Move(ment) for Justice. This is a fun activity for your family that will create meaningful discussions around personal and online safety.
Majority of child sex trafficking survivors experience child sexual abuse between the age of 6 to 9 years old. Usually it is not disclosed, and the child will struggle with boundaries, emotional outbursts, and dissociating. Here are a few ways to strengthen your child's understanding of boundaries, and the importance of consent at a young age.
Personal Boundaries - Children should choose who they allow into their personal space. A child should not be required to hug individuals, but can respectfully shake someone's hand instead.
Respecting Other Person's Personal Boundaries - Teach your child to ask permission before moving into their personal space. Stress that they need to respect another child's "no" when they do not want to be touched.
Encourage open dialogue and expression of emotions when a child feels uncomfortable. Remind them that it is okay for them to follow their instincts.
Address "safe" and "unsafe" secrets, so your child understands when they need to ask for help.
With your child define their "safety network", usually 3 to 5 people. These are people that they can go to whenever they are in trouble. List those people's names and phone numbers on the refrigerator or in a place where they can access them in an emergency.
Write a series of different types of secrets on pieces of paper. Have your child draw them out of a hat, ask them if it is a "safe" or "unsafe" secret, and then discuss why.
Have your child stand in a "power stance" and practice saying "no" or "I do not like that". This not only helps them protect themselves for sexual abuse, but also from bullying.
*Have an age appropriate "sex talk" when your child starts to ask questions. #Move4Justice #SafeTouch #SafeTalk #DemandAnEnd #EndItMovement