Importance of Consent - Tips for Kids Ages 6 to 9

Safe House Project has a ready made activity for you to make the most of your quality time with your families and create a Move(ment) for Justice. This is a fun activity for your family that will create meaningful discussions around personal and online safety.

Majority of child sex trafficking survivors experience child sexual abuse between the age of 6 to 9 years old. Usually it is not disclosed, and the child will struggle with boundaries, emotional outbursts, and dissociating. Here are a few ways to strengthen your child's understanding of boundaries, and the importance of consent at a young age.


  • Personal Boundaries - Children should choose who they allow into their personal space. A child should not be required to hug individuals, but can respectfully shake someone's hand instead.

  • Respecting Other Person's Personal Boundaries - Teach your child to ask permission before moving into their personal space. Stress that they need to respect another child's "no" when they do not want to be touched.

  • Encourage open dialogue and expression of emotions when a child feels uncomfortable. Remind them that it is okay for them to follow their instincts.

  • Address "safe" and "unsafe" secrets, so your child understands when they need to ask for help.


  • With your child define their "safety network", usually 3 to 5 people. These are people that they can go to whenever they are in trouble. List those people's names and phone numbers on the refrigerator or in a place where they can access them in an emergency.

  • Write a series of different types of secrets on pieces of paper. Have your child draw them out of a hat, ask them if it is a "safe" or "unsafe" secret, and then discuss why.

  • Have your child stand in a "power stance" and practice saying "no" or "I do not like that". This not only helps them protect themselves for sexual abuse, but also from bullying.

*Have an age appropriate "sex talk" when your child starts to ask questions. #Move4Justice #SafeTouch #SafeTalk #DemandAnEnd #EndItMovement