Uniting to End Trafficking Blog

Ria Story | Survivor Leader

Written by Safe House Project | Feb 2, 2020 5:00:00 AM
"Freedom requires action. Because, once you reach a certain level of awareness, not getting involved is not an option...This isn’t a just a “big city” problem or “someone else’s problem,” and we don’t like to think it’s happening in our cities, communities, and to our children. Millions have been affected - but even one is too many." - Ria Story, Survivor Leader

Ria understands the frustration of lacking self-confidence, not having the ability to influence other people, and feeling like a victim of our circumstances. Sexually abused by her father from age 12-19 and trafficked by him, Ria left home at 19 without a job, money, or a high school diploma. Realizing the biggest obstacle to success is embracing excuses, Ria set her goals high and worked to achieve them. Today, as a TEDx speaker, author, and certified leadership trainer with nearly 20 years of experience in addition to her MBA and several other management degrees, Ria shares the lessons she learned to be successful and influence people. 



Leadership Development using The Ladder of Influence ℠ 

'Influence is one of the most profoundly complex, and at the same time, incredibly simple concepts. It’s also the essence of leadership. 

We all have some influence, yet we all want more influence. Simple. But who, how, where, when, and why we influence others as well as how we in turn are influenced by others is incredibly complex because people are incredibly complex. Situations are different. People are dynamic. Relationships are complicated. As leaders, with or without formal authority, we all need the tools to increase our influence, develop our leadership, and maximize our results. 

Introducing The Ladder of Influence ℠
The Ladder of Influence ℠ provides a powerful, yet simple 5 step framework to help you realize the practical steps you can take to increase your influence and develop your leadership with the people around you: friends, family, followers, co-workers, your boss, team members, community members, children, and spouses."