Download the guides 

These are the guides to download to go along with the RightNow Media series

"God's Heart to Eradicate Trafficking" to help guide you through the series.

God's heart, Our action

As the Church, God calls us to love those around us with the same depth, purpose, and humility He loves us. Today's world is filled with people desperate for hope, freedom, and the good news of restoration in God's power.

God's desire for justice and healing leads us to some of the most vulnerable and exploited people in our communities — victims of sex trafficking. If Jesus was with us on Earth today, we know that He would be fighting for their futures of freedom and restoration. As His hands and feet, that calling becomes ours.

At Safe House Project, our vision is to unite communities to end domestic sex trafficking and restore hope, freedom, and a future for every survivor. We believe that, as we take action in prayer and the power of God, He can work miracles far beyond our resources and expectations. We welcome you to the movement against exploitation and injustice.